If you have any questions this is the place you can ask me if you do not wish to give me a private message or can not for whichever reason. If you wish to set a time for me to help you with preparing for a test, tournament, whatever just ask me and I will get back to you when I can with the times I am available. You may also ask me personally to give you a test, however if you do not like waiting I would recommend taking the first tester that is available instead of waiting on me. There are days where I am with friends, family, at a tournament, doing a war, etc. so I will not be available. On school days there is school and homework to add on top of that, so do not expect me to be available too often.
I live in a PST time zone, so that could give some insight as to relative times I will be on for testing and/or help/preperation (school days probably 7-11ish, non school days noon-2 amish roughtly).You can probably find me on DN more easily than here during those time slots. My DN name is Lever10.
If you are a personal friend of mine there is a good chance I will turn you down due to me wanting to avoid bias, so do not take that personally.
Remember that some subjects of the rubric (consistency/synergy, rarity/originality, etc) may have some room for fluctuation. This being said in nearly every case it will be in about the same ball park from tester to tester in which the score you are given. If two testers were to test you and one person gives you 1 or 2 points lower consistency/synergy points that another, there is a good chance that same person will give you 1 or 2 more points extra in a different category than that other tester. Despite this if you wish to argue the points I give then feel free to. You are allowed to do it in this topic, the test results itself, or via private messaging me.
In my test decks I try to keep decks that are tier 3-rogue and not have too much of a control aspect, so I may see what your deck is capable of and how consistently you may get it. However of course there is a basic trap lineup at the very least so I may also see how easy it is to stop you. Also in many of my decks I try to avoid cards that give me the win due to simple luck (such as honest) or cards I deem are ridiculously broken (such as evilswarm exciton knight). As the game progresses and more decks and more people do not die to these cards I may start using them in the future for my tests. Keep in mind because I do not use these cards does not mean you should not if the deck can utilize them well.
Anyone who has taken my ruling tests know 90% of the time my first ruling question is very similar from test to test and person to person. The way I do my questions is if you get it right, then I try to make the next question harder than the previous one. If you get it wrong, then I will try to ask an easier one. So if you get my first two questions wrong, I will probably ask you a question somewhere around the level of being able to differentiate levels and ranks. On the same note if you get the first two questions right I will probably ask a question on the lines of Simultaneous Effects Go On Chain (SEGOC), missing the timing, Problem-Solving Card Text (PSCT), etc.
To regurgitate what I said at the beginning, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns please ask away/let me know in this topic or through a private message here on RDA or on Dueling Network.
~Jesse Anderson aka Lever10